柴田織物の縫取りちりめんは、基本的に丹後ちりめんがベースとなる織物ですが、組織を組むための経糸・横糸以外に、模様を表現するための横糸(色糸)が存在します。 この横糸が、縫取りちりめんの特徴で、丹後ちりめんの大きな特徴である「練り」に耐え、かつ柄を表現しうる横糸(色糸)が必要となります。「練り」とは「撚り」の段階でついた糊やもともと絹糸に含まれるセリシンなどを除去するための工程で、簡単に言えば洗濯のようなものです。 

The Nuitori Chirimen (embroidery silk crepe) of Shibata Orimono is essentially a fabric based on Tango Chirimen (silk crepe), but in addition to the warp and weft threads used to create the structure, there are also weft threads (colored threads) used to express patterns. These weft threads are a characteristic of Nuitori Chirimen and a significant feature of Tango Chirimen; they need to withstand the "Neri" (paste) process, which is a step in the twisting stage to remove glue or sericin naturally present in silk threads. In simple terms, it's like a washing process.

The weft threads used to express patterns are called "Urushi" or "slit threads.” Shibata Orimono refers to them as special decorative gold and silver threads, with over hundreds of varieties available. This Nuitori Chirimen (embroidery silk crepe) is a costly fabric primarily used for formal kimono like “ Tomesode (a married woman's formal kimono),” but it's also utilized for luxurious casual kimono. The manufacturing process is done manually, and Nuitori Chirimen is considered the highest in quality among kimono fabrics. Urushi used in one bolt of fabric comes in over forty colors, and due to its higher material cost, labor, and technical requirements compared to regular fabrics, it's a precious material.
The weft threads used to express patterns are called "Urushi" or "Slit threads.” Shibata Orimono refers to them as special decorative gold and silver threads, with over a hundred varieties available. This Nuitori Chirimen (embroidery silk crepe) is a costly fabric primarily used for formal kimono like “Tomesode" (a married woman's formal kimono), but it's also utilized for luxurious, casual kimono. The manufacturing process is done manually, and Nuitori Chirimen is considered the highest quality among kimono fabrics. Urushi used in one bolt of fabric comes in over forty colors, and due to its higher material cost, labor, and technical requirements compared to regular fabrics, it's a precious material.
Tango Chirimen from Shibata Orimono offers luxury and quality surpassing other fabrics due to its high cost and labor-intensive manufacturing process. Every manufacturing step is done manually, and since there are no identical Nuitori Chirimen in terms of color and pattern, each piece has its unique charm.
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